Getting ready for the new blog
For a long time this web address ( has been redirected to my marketing blog – which you can still find at the iMarketing link above, although with a redesigned layout. I just didn’t have time and energy to organize my personal website in a meaningful way. But now the time has come!
Since this domain is exactly the English version of my name, it has to be the most personal, the most characteristic… and must contain everything that is me. What can be more “personal” than a domain name which is your own name? Therefore I decided to make this domain and this site a central hub of my online activites.
So, what would you like to do? To read more posts? To learn about places where I travel? To ask help (hire) for making a wonderful WordPress site? To download my ebooks? — You can answer a resounding yes to all of the above because you came to the right site: you can do exactly what you would like to.
The link to your marketing blog doesn’t work.